Thursday, September 2, 2010

Temporary Tattoos 2010

Temporary Tattoos 2010
The front of the sheet is covered with a special coating upon which the tattoo Usually Temporary transfer body tattoos consist of five main elements: the front of the sheet of paper, the back of the sheet of paper, inks, glue and a protective plastic sheet over tattoo. In this process, the body tattoo is applied to the outer surface of the skin and stays until such time as the image fades away itself (typically after 3-5 days) or is removed using alcohol or any such remover.While most temporary body tattoos are created commercially for promotions, advertising or as novelty items ( giveaways ) , the process of creating it has been adapted to the fine art of lithography as well. Conventional Temporary tattoos, which were first made popular as inserts in regular bubble gums, were poor quality transfers, often resulted in hazy designs and could easily be washed or rubbed off from body.Modern temporary transfer body tattoos are made of non toxic & high quality ink and glue, and last much longer than conventional temporary tattoos. Temporary tattoos have become quite famous in such a short time as they are affordable, pain less & above all they can be removed any time & that part of your body is again ready for a sizzling hot new Tattoo!!

 Temporary Tattoo designs to try before choosing an actual nice tattoo, for fun, for promotions or for your fancy dress party. Temporary Body tattoos look just like real tattooing.  These days tattoos there are different ways of tattooing both permanent & temporary.

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